Meet The Vendor: Addicted Coffee

Guess what foodies we have a new member!

Please welcome Addicted Coffee to the Food Truck Collective family, they offer delicious coffee on the go to keep you ready to enjoy your day!

Here’s a bit about them.

✨ What is your vendor called?

Addicted Coffee

✨Why did you start a food truck?

Because I Love people + most importantly I love coffee

Having a mobile trailer also gives me the flexibility to work around our children.

✨What advice would you give your younger self (before you started your food truck)?

Do more research and investigate more alternatives to setting up a mobile coffee unit.

✨What are your plans for the future?

Have more trailers operating.

You will be able to find Addicted Coffee at our events over the summer in 2023, make sure to stop by and try their drinks out for yourself!

Admin AFTC